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EAST GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — They call it the Halloween Block, and not for nothing.
Every year, Cambridge Avenue in East Grand Rapids puts on an impressive display of skeletons and ghosts, with each home getting in on the fun. After an unusual two years of a more limited holiday due to the pandemic, the residents were ready to come back strong.
"Six o'clock, the show is on," says Jill Jacobson.
She moved to the street 23 years ago, and was excited to hear about the tradition.
"When we bought the house, people were like oh you're gonna love it, it's the Halloween block," says Jacobson.
Since then, her basement has filled up with ghouls and goblins alike, ready to get them out on the 31st.
"It's ridiculous how much stuff we have," she laughs.
And the trick-or-treaters love it.
"I am a man riding an ostrich," says Keaston Krauth, explaining his Halloween costume.
Krauth and his family recently moved to Grand Rapids from Colorado.
They say they've never seen a street like this.
"It's fun because you get to meet new people, you get to look at all the decorations," says Keaston.
"You can feel the community and obviously people get into it, so we're super excited to be here," he says.
And Jacobson is excited to have them back. After two years of limited visitors, she missed the kids walking up and down the street.
"It's fun to see them," says Jacobson. "They always have great costumes."
Great costumes and great displays, which the Krauth family will be back to see again.
"This is our new tradition for sure," says Ernie.
Jacobson says she had 2,000 pieces of candy on hand, because each year they expect at least 1,500 kids to come through.
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